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I thought I'd give an example of observation so you can see exactly what I mean when I say "Observation without Speculation."


For this exercise, I'm using Acts 18:24 - 28. This is just a list of observations I made from these five verses. You likely have even more observations than I have here; this list is not comprehensive. Make your own. Add to my list. Be sure what I have on my list is right. 


                        1. Apollos was born at Alexandria

                        2. He was Jewish

                        3. He was eloquent

                        4. He was knowledgeable in the Scriptures

                        5. He traveled to Ephesus

                        6. He was instructed in the way of the Lord

                        7. He was fervent in spirit

                        8. He spoke and taught the things of the Lord diligently

                        9. He knew only the baptism of John

                        10. He spoke boldly in the synagogue

                        11. Aquilla & Priscilla heard him speak

                        12. They took him aside

                        13. They explained the way of God more perfectly to him

                        14. He was sent to Achaia

                        15. The brethern sent a letter with him

                        16. The letter exhorted the brothers to receive him.

                        17. He helped the believers much. 

                        18. He mightily convinced the Jews, from the Scriptures, that Jesus was Christ.

                        19. His ministry was public


This is a simple list of 19 observations of these five verses. This list could be much longer. You can approach it from other ways, too.


You can make a list of people mentioned......

Or of places mentioned......

Take note of time slots mentioned......

List the adjectives used......

Make as many lists and observations as you want, sticking to the text.


As tempted as you might be to speculate, resist that temptation! Write down only what you see and nothing more. 


This is simply observation without speculation.  Most people are tempted to feel they have to do something besides make observations. Keep in mind, this is the living Word of God. No human input can make it better or more effective. If you are reading God's Word and making simple observations, It will produce fruit in your life. 


Observation Examples

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