What is The Priscilla Principle?
Priscilla was a prominent person in the beginning of the New Testament Church. The most prominent thing about Priscilla is that she worked along side the men when it came to the church in Paul's day.
She traveled with Paul. She taught. She served with Paul. She and her husband corrected others, worshiped with Paul and were highly instrumental in his ministry, as well as the ministry of others. She and her husband even risked their lives for Paul!
The goal of The Priscilla Principle is to help people become grounded in doctrine through Bible study. The reason Priscilla was so influential and effective was because she was grounded in, and not afraid of, doctrine. As a matter of fact, she demanded it and saw to it that doctrine, not men's ideas, were taught where she worshiped.
The Priscilla Principle is a system of Bible study designed to emphasize being grounded in doctrine. Being doctrinally grounded helps us be equipped to take responsibility for our own spiritual walk, which is essential to spiritual growth.
As for me, my name is Tricia Johnson. I am married to my pastor and we have eight wonderful children and four grandkids.
I founded The Priscilla Principle for a number of reasons:
1. A desire to help people grow spiritually
2. A desire to help victims of spiritual abuse
3. To help people be grounded in doctrine.
4. To dispel the fears of doctrine.
When I was saved by God's grace at the age of 18 (the first time I ever heard the Gospel), my pastor told me to never take his word for anything in the Scriptures. He told me I should look it up for myself to make sure what I'm being taught is right. This was a practice by the believers of Berea in New Testament days and Paul praised the Bereans for doing just that.
Because I always took it upon myself to search the Scriptures to see if things I was being taught were true, I was able to start recognizing false teaching fairly easily. This made me realize that knowledge of the Bible not only allows a person to grow closer to God, but it protects them from spiritual abuse.
I hope The Priscilla Principle will encourage you to take your spiritual walk more seriously, dig deeper into God's Word and practice deeper study methods more regularly.